I Did Float My Curry Boat!

Indian food will always be comfort food for me; I mean it’s the food I grew up with and was staple for at least 17 years of my life. But having grown up in India, I will admit to being a snob when it comes to Indian food in the U.S. I am not easily impressed and for good reason

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Even as a food blogger, Italian food for me has always been synonymous with pizza and pasta. Unlike a recent trip to Greece, which changed my perception and understanding of authentic Greek cuisine, I haven’t had the pleasure of visiting Italy yet.  So when my good friend, Chef and Owner Bruno Abate invited me in to his restaurant Tocco to taste the “real deal” as he put it, I was indeed excited.  Tocco is a stylish Italian restaurant nestled in the heart of Wicker Park, with a chic dining room, a lavish lounge and an extensive bar

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I'm Turning Japanese....I Really Think So!

My first tasting this month was at a restaurant I’ve heard a lot about and been wanting to visit for a long time. Who wouldn’t be curious about an authentic, latin-inspired, Japanese eatery featuring both tacos and sushi! Along with their PR Manager, I finally ventured to put my curiosity to rest

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